What's in Your Hand?

What's in Your Hand?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Christmas Rubble

Christmas is still nearly three months off. But the Christmas story is timeless. It's true beauty coming from it's humility. A birth in a place that no woman would choose for her child. But to this lowly place we are drawn.
God's redemption stories remind us time and time again that God chooses that which is broken, abandoned and discarded to build His kingdom. To bring Him glory.
His word says He makes all things beautiful in His time.
So it is from broken and discarded rubble and glass He paints a story that draws people. I can not explain the popularity of the nativities that I make. It is not the rubble. It is not the glass. It is the story. The story of Christmas? Yes. But also a story of hope for Haiti . Remembering as we see these that there is a hope for the poverty. There is a hope for the pain. There is a hope for restoration. There is a hope for children discarded and abandoned. The hope for all of this brokenness was  born in  barn and slept in a manger. All so that we could see past all of the brokenness in our world, in our country, in our homes, in our hearts...past the rejection and misery..past the unfulfilled dreams and the shattered hopes. Past the sorrow and abuse and hidden unrealized desires..past even death..see past all of this to a manger bed and a simple baby who came to redeem us from all of our rubble and broken glass and to make something beautiful from all that we thought would destroy us.

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